Thursday, August 30, 2012

White Knight Chronicles: A few last words

Yush, I finally did it ☆
I finished "White Knight Chronicles".  And actually, the boss fight wasn't that horrible... I think I did a "quite" good job on that? Heeeeh? (Okay, maybe I almost failed because I switch to "transform back" quite too often by accident ...) Anyway, I really got some questions I'd like to ask Level-5 =A=;;;  

For my personal taste, there were too many  "big-size monsters" in the last quarter of the play time. You know, I really LOVE big monsters (especially if they're epic like s**t), but they just carried it to the excess. The worst think about that: especially at the end of the game, the enemies are just repeated. Endlessly. And if they want to top that, they don't give you ONE, but TWO or THREE of the same big size enemy.  I mean, why? What about some more epicness? ;___;? If they just use those big monsters TOO often, it loses the effect, I think...

But to sum it up, I played around 23-24 hours on "White Knight Chronicles" now. I might play it again now, via "Game+", which means I would restart the whole game BUT with my latest level and my inventory. Additionally, I could get stronger weapons from the dungeons' chests, which would fit to my current level (and above). But, to be honest: If that's the only thing you can do on "Game+", I will refuse to do so. (I really enjoyed playing  NIER (Square-Enix) a second time, because you just learn so much more about the story and the background(s). It's not like I played it because of the stronger weapons....)

Well, but after all: Nicely done, Level-5. I would be lying if I'd say I didn't enjoy the game. Even though there are still some - let's call it - "facts" regarding the story which I just can't reproduce... (for those who already have a clue about the game or even played it by themselves, I just want to say some keywords: CAESAR AND KARA?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? )

However, I liked those little twists which tried to confuse the player from time to time, but sometimes they were kinda... predictable. At least for someone who likes 'freaky' stories in general (like me, for example, haha... ✌(◕ω◕)✌).

But as I already mentioned in my first post about "White Knight Chronicles", I really, REALLY liked the characters. Almost all of them. I just think that Leonard is (yush, I'm being hipster now!) "too mainstream", in the same way as Princess Cisna. I mean, come on, sometimes I felt like Mario trying to rescue Princess Peach... (btw., I think Cisna and Peach are look-alikes anyway |D ).

My favorite character, since I got him into my party, was Caesar (and GEEZ how I just knew he would be important so he was a non-stop party member! :'D ). And actually I also liked Kara, even though I knew directly there's this secret about her (I don't wanna spoiler you, so please excuse me that I write so much without saying anything... ^^;; ). Yulie was... well, I never played Yulie, to be honest. She's just the normal "I am so cute and every Japanese RPG needs a character like me!"-girl. Eldore was quite an interesting character, and actually I really would have liked to know more about him. But they tried to explain his whole "story" within around 3-4 minutes, right before you got to prepare for the boss fight, unfortunately...  (I would have preferred a little less "Mario" and a little more "NIER" here ;w; ). So I think that the narrative style failed in this case. They stretched the plot in between like it wouldn't EVER stop, yet they didn't spend enough time explaining more about several characters. Bummer. Again.
Nevertheless: Just give it a try! I don't think it's a bad game (especially if you like KAMEN RIDER or any other trashy stuff like that (;*~∇~)ノ" ).  

As for me, I'll start playing "White Knight Chronicles II" now (or later, however...), especially because I hope to get more information about the story and (maybe even) about the king's lieutenant - I think he's a very important personality for the plot, but at least in WKC's first game he just appeared like a side show :')

I wrote too much again. I'm sorry _ _!
As an excuse, here's a picture of Caesar (*☉౪ ⊙。)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

White Knight Chronicles - a 'short' personal review

I'm so sorry I didn't post for a while now… but this just has a very simple reason: 
Nothing big happened these days, because I'm still sitting at home, bored, because I still can't go out due to I'm still in recovery time for my foot... _ _!

I'm not sure whether anyone is interested about this at all (except Sofi, she even said that she'd be interested...σ(^_^;) ), but maybe it could be a possibility to present the game I'm trying to kill my boredom with.

White Knight Chronicles  
(Original title: 白騎士物語)

To be honest, I was quite doubtful regarding this game. When I saw the cover, I was like: "Geez, it's some knight game..." (and I'm really not attracted to typical trash-medieval fantasy style, to be honest D: ). Anyway, as soon as the opening cutscene started, I wanted to scream like a little girl seeing Justin Bieber at the mall ▽`A``
I must admit that I totally loved Power Rangers when I was a child, that I just LOVE huge monsters in video games and that I absolutely enjoyed watching Kamen Rider (仮面ライダー (engl: Masked Rider) even as an adult. I don't want to spoil you, but I think it's okay to share the opening trailer with you:

(Please don't be surprised, it's the Japanese version because I really think that it fits the atmosphere MUCH better than the international (English) version... but if you're interested in checking out the English version, please visit Youtube by yourself ^^, )

So, regarding those facts, maybe it's not that surprising anymore that I fell for this game... (;^_^A  (even though it has some trash-medieval character as well....). Saa, "White Knight Chronicles" is actually already kinda "old" (I think it's from 2008... or something like that? I'm currently quite too lazy to check it (*Oノ ̄*) ), which explains the 'bad' resolution (even though I'm not that spoiled with HD and stuff - and I personally don't think it's that bad ^^, ). 

White Knight

As soon as you start the game, you're allowed to create an own character, which is quite cool in my opinion (I also enjoyed doing this playing the Dragon's Dogma demo (which is quite more 'medieval', but has a nice gameplay. You can download it for free at PS-Store)). You got plenty of possibilities to create your personal character. Even though I took too long for that (because I love playing around with all these possibilities... |D ).

Let's come to the bad point about that: If you don't play that game online, but in the offline story mode, your character is a soulless retard without any facial expression, staring like a dork (´_`。)

The name is very individual, I know |D
It's based on a "pun" between me and some of my fellow students :'D

And, yes, I'm not kidding. Even if you can play your character in between, the main character (named Leonard) is quite more important for the story mode and he needs to be part in every important battle. And even if you can choose a speaking voice for your own character, you won't hear anything else than "Uaaaargh!" or "HUH!!", just like Zelda's character Link. As for me, I think it's quite a pity. At some point of the game, I gave up changing to Kwun in between, because it didn't make any sense for me anymore. Every 5 minutes I saw Kwun standing there, again, staring like a dork and not participating in most of the cutscenes either and just after that, the player is forced to take Leonard as his character again. Does it make sense? Why didn't they just allow you to play your own character ONLY online then, if he's just useless attachment...? Maybe I should ask those guys from Level-5 about that (´#)

Well, what about the gameplay...? To be honest, I personally had some problems at the beginning (and even still in between, haha...). The fighting system is actually very easy, but has some severe problems. Sometimes you cannot switch your target properly, or if you already changed it, it automatically changes back to some other target which is MILES away, constraining you to hit your actual target and kills some precious fighting time, which is very important (especially if you transformed to a Knight).

Using items during a fight is actually quite easy as well - but because the fight won't pause if you switch to 'items', you'll have to learn to change your action bars (1-3 for actions, 4 for items, targets etc.) quite fast, without switching too far or disordered, so you lose lots of important time as well. I grant you that I often kinda groaned about that, just because I felt hacked off =_=;;

Additionally, the game has some strange - so called - 'save points', where they assert that the game will be saved "in between" (I never noticed not even ONE, by the way...).  You're gonna freak out if you died the first time (what I recently did - at a boss fight, containing 5 (!) bossfights without any time to recover, chill out or even change your party [I think I'm almost done with the game, by the way |D ]). That's annoying, but rather acceptable. A fact which made me stop playing for a day (instead of trying again right thereafter, like I would usually do) was the fact that NOTHING was saved. And if you want to reload immediately, it "costs" some experience points and - of course - you won't see the items you used at the battle never ever again. So I just shut down my PS, hoping that I just can "restart" that battle as if my first try never happened :')  For me, the most grueling thing about failing this fight was, that my enemy just needed one or two more hits to die...
( ̄へ

By the way, never ever try to update or re-arming your characters after you just passed a fight without finding a save place to do so. Monsters (and even the big ones, which kinda act like "path guards" and are compulsive combatants) do respawn within only a few minutes. And, as I said, this game is in real time, so it won't pause, even if you opened your character's skill surface in full screen. They will respawn, and they definitely attack you right away.

You might think about that in your individual way, for me, some of these facts are annoying. And unfortunately, the story is like chewing gum. It IS great indeed, but sometimes you will feel like they tried to keep you playing on synthetically, as if they wanted to add some more hours to the playtime, even if there's no further essence. Bummer.... (I especially think that this is one of the games' biggest drawbacks, because the characters as such are totally lovely (even though I don't like Leonard and his stupid princess, haha... |D ). Anyway, the other characters are neat!   
(Talking about the characters... please check out the leader of the Magis (villain) :*:():*: Doesn't he just look like one of Power Ranger's villains...?!)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rain - Sony's new game

I'm so sorry to bother you with game stuff again (haha, I lied! ヽ(▼ー▼キ)).
No, really. I'm almost sorry :')

Well, did you already hear about "Rain" ? I just saw the trailer (even though it was already shown at Gamescom's press conference ... but as you know, I didn't see a lot ;__; ) and I really think it looks totally pretty!  The main style reminds me of ICO, so I'm quite curious about how this game will be... unfortunately, it'll be released only "sometime in 2013", as a download for PS3 _ _!

Whatever! I wanna share this trailer with you and I'm curious about what you think about it! ☆ 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

GDC - Last Day

Geez, I'm done for now!
I'm sitting here, writing this blog entry with... well, let's say 'mixed' feelings. On the one hand, I'm so happy to have finished my duty on GDC, because it was a very hard time and I'm just...done. On the other hand, my team was such a great team and we laughed so much together, had great conversations and they were, well, I don't find another fitting word for that: great. My boss is also such a lovely person... and I know that I won't see at least 99% of them all until next year, because they're living abroad.

Anyway, this experience was priceless.

Boring me being boring |D

But, to start writing about this day's routine, I want to interrupt my 'nostalgia' (haha, may I call it 'nostalgia' already at all...?), here's what I experienced on my last day at GDC Europe.

I went to bed quite early the evening before, because I was tired as hell and my feet were killing me literally. That's why I woke up at around 8:00 a.m. already, even if my shift just started at 4 p.m. ... So I decided to watch some TV ("Malcolm in the Middle" and "Scrubs") while I was threatening my feet so I would survive the day. Someone gave me some "aromatic skin oils" before, so I wanted to try that on my feet. Actually, it helped quite fine! They still did hurt, but kneading my feet with it helped indeed to decrease the pain a lot (I'm sorry by the way, I also feel totally strange to write about my feet so much. Especially because I personally really don't like feet... %___% ).

My plan was to visit GamesCom before I take my shift, but when I hasted to the bus, it came out that it (which means: the bus) was FAR too late. So I didn't catch my train in time. That's why I decided to keep going by bus to the next town, where I could spend some time buying some food, a drink and new cigarettes.

I love apple turnovers!

Around 5:30 p.m.
Unfortunately, that's why I couldn't visit the GamesCom before my shift - so when I arrived at the venue, I just went to our office where they said it won't be that busy today due to the conferences would end today. Actually, we didn't have any other tasks then to be some kind of "security", so GamesCom visitors couldn't enter the GDC area, but we evolved into an information center quite quickly |D ! Lots of visitors asked us about the lifts, about where to get their catalogues, directions etc. It was quite fun because they all were so nice and hearty!

And then, there was a huge surprise for me: Spellbound's president came to me (I think because he recognized me) and asked me whether I could help him, because he somehow lost his laptop. Fortunately one of my mates (who was actually already quitting shift) took my place so I could take a look at the control room to ask for that laptop. It wasn't there, but they said they'd ask at all the lost-property offices to find that laptop. Et voilá! On the way back home, Spellbound's president came to me again, just to tell me that he got his laptop back. He was so thankful for that, even if I just did such a small thing .__.!

Quite half an hour later, our boss passed. She was so surprised that the workers already almost finished dismounting the conference rooms, so she said "They're almost ready!? Omg, why you guys are still working then? Please feel free to do whatever you want to!" At first I was like "WTF!?", but , yes, she couldn't have known, could she...^^;; 

Of course we finished our shift then and said "Good Bye" to all those other workers who were working with us since last Saturday. Same as I said before: with mixed feelings...

Buuuuut! We were allowed to attend the Gree Aftershow Party, to which we directly went ;)

At GREE Aftershow Party! ☆
At GREE Aftershow Party(´ω`) 

I left earlier (even though I wanted to go back early) to see some halls of the GamesCom before it would be crowded from tomorrow. I didn't manage to do so, even though I just saw 2 halls T__T;!  But, ey - here are some expressions from my little walk (please don't forget that GamesCom was almost over, so it wasn't that crowded anymore).

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

GDC - Third Day

Wow, so today was very busy.
As I mentioned yesterday (actually, it was "today" already. Geez...), I had to get up very early (5:00 a.m., to be concrete) and tried to 'fix' my right foot (which still hurts). Used some ointment and cooled it before I left the house, but it didn't hold on for long, so when I arrived at the station in Cologne and wanted to walk down the street to GDC, the pain was back _ _' I'm still not sure what it is or what caused it. Maybe I'll find out after I finished working :')

 (I'm sorry for looking like a dork in this pic, it's just because it was around 5:30 when I shot it and as you might can imagine, I was utterly tired...)

So, I arrived quite early and was able to have some "great" breakfast, which consisted of...RedBull. If I say "RedBull", I mean there weren't like the normal RedBull cans which everyone knows, but some really strange ones. So one of my co-mates brought one for me as well (RedBull sponsored them) and it was like... blueberry taste???I didn't even know that something like that exists at all!

(But speaking of that: it tasted disgusting, I think.... |D )
My task for today was almost just to check badges. Which was - in fact - totally boring and absolutely nerve-racking due to some of the visitors. Some of those didn't even know that "GDC" (Game Developers Conference) and "GC" (aka GamesCom) are two totally different things. So they wanted to enter the East Entrance, which is "GDC ONLY" until it's over. I think you might use the East Entrance from Thursday, as soon as the GDC is over. So we always had to send them to another entrance, explaining them why they couldn't pass GDC's entrance. Sounds not that difficult, does it... anyway, if there's the hundredth visitor at the wrong entrance, you kinda get annoyed. Still we did our best to gave them our best smiles and help whenever we could. Unfortunately, some of them were becoming some kind of 'rude', as if it was our rules or our faults (even some of those people which were obviously working for the GamesCom). To make it clear, of course not all of the visitors were like that ^^  We really had some very nice conversation with some visitors! Some of them did even hold our for some minutes to chat :)  (I especially enjoyed talking to the old man who asked me about the lunch. It just was as if we knew each other for years, when I saw that he was VIP - obviously even some big company's boss!! I was quite ashamed to be honest, but he was just laughing and acting like we're buddies anyway ☆).
Speaking of VIP; I had to search someone in the VIP-area later. That was a mess...  anyway, the guy (who was the president of "Spellbound") was totally nice! ^^ We had a little conversation on our way to pick up his conference partner downstairs so he could take him to the VIP-lounge.

After some time of working, we had a "coffee break" (even though it wasn't a break, lol!). Nevertheless: Free coffee is the best ☆ 
When I checked out from work, I just had a look around some booths again, when I saw "Marmalade".  Geez, this is freakin' cool shit! Marmalade is a new Integrated Development Environment (short: IDE), supporting several programming languages, including native languages such as C/C++, but also Adobe AIR, IOS, Android, HTML5 etc. etc, bringing them to one level, which means that they 'convert' your program/app  to the operating system you'd like it to be.
They say: "We take care of complexities of each platform so you don't have to". 
(I'm sorry for spam-posting you with this stuff, I don't think anyone is interested in this at all... but I'm just quite enthused by that ^^;; ).
So, after this day, I gained some (rather unintentionally) great contacts in between - so maybe you'll hear some of my pieces in an app or a video game (haha, doesn't that sound great!?).  
And just to end this post for now, I still want to share some photos with you I did this morning (when GDC was still closed): 

GDC - Second Day

I'm finally 'enjoying' (at least trying to enjoy) a footbath right now. I must say that I'm absolutely tired now and my right feet hurts like hell (actually I really don't know why - it started yesterday already but became worse during this afternoon...).
Btw., that's one of the reason's I'm not attending the Crytek-Party, even if I was invited and changed numbers with some of my co-workers to meet up later at the party.... ;__;! 

Well, but actually I wanna start from the beginning.
So, I left the house at around 10 o'clock and headed off to the bus (which was absolutely too late... ) - anyway, Deutsche Bahn (Germany's number one train company) helped: the train was also too late, so I still caught it :')

When I finally arrived Cologne, there were already the first people who wanted me to help them. Seemed like the grey shirt kinda says like: "Ask me, I can help!" ... oh wait, it does indeed |D !

Before I started working, I just checked into my shift at the staff office. I was too early (which was because I left with around one hour spare time, just for the case my train would be late again, which indeed was the fact, as I already mentioned), so I was perfectly in time to have lunch with some other staff members who would change the shift with me after that.
Actually, it was kinda tasty!  Had some noodles with chicken and chinese 'bami goreng'. 


Due to I had a shift as a runner, I was just between "OMG HURRY!!" and waiting until I almost slept while standing |D So when we got some spare time in between, some of my mates and me went off to the different exhibitors' booths to check about new developments. Of course they had some nice give-aways and I was almost spammed by that!! But some of the stuff is just really cool, to be honest. For example, Softlayer gave away free ice cream with strawberry and chocolate pops.

(I know, it looks kinda messed up... but that's because I already had a lick on it before I remembered that I wanted to take a photo... sorry, stupid me! _ _! )

Anyway, I want to share some of my further GETs with you as well:

To sum it up, I got four T-shirts, several ball pens (as usual, I think they're quite popular give aways, aren't they?), some Batman-3D-flyers (I think it's sad that you can't see it's actually 3D ;__;! ), lanyard keychains (I especially like the one from Crytek, who presented their new engine, by the way! It's amazing!! ), a 2K Czech key charm (including a bottle opener at its backside), a drinking bottle and lots of other stuff I'm too lazy to enumerate now... ^^
The little orange heart (if you mentioned at all, lol! ) is chocolate~ ! I also got another piece of chocolate by Wooga, but my dad already ate it! :'3

Well, to be honest, I'm totally wrecked now. And I kinda wanna cry if I think about that I need to get up in around 4 hours again o(TωT)o

But excepting this fact, I totally had a nice day. I really enjoyed the last hour of my shift, due there was lots of free time to spend it with my co-workers! We just stood outside at the big Piazza in front of the Congress Center, talking, laughing ... it was really fun!
I really hope to be able to keep some contact with those people even afterwards, because they're just so lovely and nice...! 

I think that's all for now. I think that I could write screeds about today, but I should go to bed urgently ^^;!

Good night! ☆ 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

GDC - First Day

Geez, I'm totally tired now!! I didn't expect this first day to be that exhausting, actually...!

I only slept about 3-4 hours, my train was late and additionally they sent me to the absolutely wrong room. I am totally lucky my boss is so lovely and understanding...!

Anyway, we stuffed some tote bags and were introduced to our tasks. I already had some nice conversations with some of my co-workers! ☆

One of them was from Berlin, another one from Finland, another one from China and one even came a very long way from Australia!!
We got to know each other during the lunch, and worked closely later so we could have some little conversations in between and afterwards.

I'm on my way back home now (finally) and unsure whether I should attend tonight's speaker party, because I really just want to chill out and/or take a bath (actually I'd really love to go, but I'm aware of that I need to work for three more days...!!).
So I'm not sure if staying in a bar 'til late night and drinking is such a good idea if you got to get up early the next morning and work all day long until 7 p.m.
Anyway, I don't know which great people will be there, next to my co-workers, I mean.....?!

I'll decide that as soon as I came home, drank 3 liters of cold water and took a hot shower at least.

I will get my walkie-talkie tomorrow. Geez, that sounds like being a total security man, doesn't it! (haha....)
This grey shirt will be my "uniform". It says "GDC Europe Staff" - and on the left shoulder there's a little badge, saying: "Ask me, I can help!" which I actually wouldn't sign at the moment... hahaaa~ |'D
(I just lied. We'll be busy, I think. Fortunately, the conferences are just inside the eastern CC-hall, so I'm 99,9% sure about that I'll keep a good overview on everything! :') ).

(Sure, it still looks very empty. But there are several halls in which they're already working like GamesCom would already start tomorrow!  Don't forget to check out hall 7 if you visit GamesCom2012, because it already looked so flashy even if it wasn't finished yet! )

Friday, August 10, 2012

Pimped my iPhone (unfinished)

As you might know, I once used my Tony Tony Chopper back case for my mobile phone. The cover, unfortunately, lost a lot of color due to the loads of rubbing over and over again, since I usually transported it in a bag or my trouser's pocket...

Now, I bought a leather case, which actually was very cheap (around 6€ with free shipping from ebay). The first thing I noticed about using this leather case is, that I don't have to clean the touch screen that often anymore. I think that's a good thing (even though the iPhone seems to be a little more clumsy...).Anyway, I'm really happy with that.

Additionally, I finally got the possibility to use a cell phone charm on my iPhone (to be honest, I really thought it was a pity to be unable to use charms. What did Apple think when they designed the iPhone?!). Haha, I kinda sound like a weirdo saying this, don't I...?

Anyway, I just "pierced" the case, right below the inner case to which you can just "clip" your phone.
Actually I want to use some more charms, something with feathers and silver should be great, but unfortunately I kinda ran out of money because of the fees I had to pay for my academic studies... (eheh... Should save some more money next time... |'D).

Sunday, August 5, 2012

I survived!

As I told you two days ago, it was my sister's birthday yesterday! 
The day started quite early for me (at least it felt like that... eh, eh...) because I needed to get up at around 11 o'clock even though I worked until almost 7 a.m. ... I really felt like I was dying  ヘ(;´Д`ヘ)
So I decided to drink some MONSTER Rehab (which consists of tea, lemon and energy drink).  Even though there isn't any gas (which is - in my opinion - quite unusual for energy-drinks...) it really tasted surprisingly good! But maybe that's because I'm really used to drink tea, which doesn't contain any gas either, in fact... ^^; Whether it gave me some more energy... I really don't know. I'm too used to drink energy drinks and coffee, so I think it didn't have any effect 

After that, I got ready to bake the cake that I promised my sister: Strawberry Cream Cake. The Cake had three layers with different cream: 

  • vanilla cream with strawberry pieces
  • strawberry cream
  • (lighty) milk flavoured cream with strawberry pieces

Additionally, of course I used some strawberries to decorate the cake... and to keep my promise, I want to share a pic of the result! (*´∀`*)

For dinner, we decided to do some barbecue, which I personally didn't claim in this situation, due to I didn't feel like eating anything (well, the cake was my "breakfast", so to speak, haha!). Anyway I really enjoyed some pasta salad someone brought (I really don't know who it was, anyway: thanks! It was delicious!). 
For dessert, we ate some water melon which I bought with my sister before (it was really big and absolutely tasty! ☆ Maybe that's the greek style of choosing water melons at the shops? (/ω\)

Later on, Ella (a girl from Kazakhstan) tought us the game "Durak", (which literally means something similar to some nasty word I don't want to write down into this blog |D ).
Anyway, the game was fun! 

At around 2 o'clock, most of people already went to bed (or fell asleep even in their seats (´∀`) ) - anyway Johnny and me were just debating about several things until almost 4 a.m. before we went to bed as well (which is another argument to proof that 4 a.m. is the loneliest time!! *derp*).

When most of the guests left, we still had some nice time talking with my sister's boyfriend and Ella, who didn't leave until 7 p.m. today.  Because of that we were able to enjoy another dinner together - we prepared the meat which was left over from yesterday, I baked some feta with onions and tomatoes and some potatoes. 

Adding some tomato-cucumber salad, this was a quite big meal if you ask me!  (@v@)
We couldn't finish it all - AGAIN. 

Even though it was a very nice day/two very nice days, I really enjoy having some time to calm down again now. Especially because I'm quite sure that I can sleep a little more this time! ^^; 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Happy Birthday ☆

I'm kinda goin' crazy since we went off to do grocery shopping for my sister's birthday party, which will take place tomorrow at my house...Tomorrow will be a busy day, I think ^^; Gotta bake my sister a strawberry cake.  Sisters LOVE strawberry cake...! :'D And since I know you guys are kinda stalking my Twitter for pictures of cakes, of course I will also upload some (or at least one) picture(s) here!

Anyway I hope that I will be able to watch "Schlag den Star" tomorrow evening - I really like Daniel Aminati, so I'm absolutely curious about whether he'll put up a good fight (actually, I'm quite sure about that... anyway I think it'll be entertaining at the highest)!

Missha BB Boomer & whiny attack :'D


It finally arrived: The BB Boomer by Missha 
(I ordered it from some Korean online shop - it took around 35 days to arrive now =A=''  Anyway, they're lovely people, I don't think that it's their fault). I'm totally curious whether it works as it should...! Maybe this fact is kinda random, but I felt talkin' about it anyway, haha..! ^^

So, I'm gonna write a review about that after I tried it.
I don't know when I got the possibility to try it, because I stashed myself away during this summer's vacation.... |D
(And by "stashing myself away" I really mean "stashing myself away" |D I feel like the hunchback of Notre Dame in front of my computer right now! lol).

It's not like I'm not willing to go outside or 'partying', anyway I really feel exhausted a lot lately. The weather here in Germany is killing me due to the rather brutal changes, over and over again -_-'
Additionally I can't sleep well and so I try to sleep at least 8 hours 'because it's holidays' (which is harder than I thought, though... I usually sleep 4 or 5 hours only).

Another reason is that I really got lots of thoughts wearing me down during the last weeks, which definitely deal with my job situation.
Maybe that's the reason I'm so happy about my job at the GDC. I won't feel that useless, that's for sure, haha! :')

Thursday, August 2, 2012

GDC Europe


Just received my schedule plan for this year's GDC Europe. I'm really looking forward to that.
Due to I will do some runner jobs, I think that I won't get too bored during the event, haha ...!
I'm wondering what my co-workers will be like...?

Anyway - is anyone going to GamesCom this year?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's coffee-time! ☆

Good morning!

I didn't sleep at all during last night.

Because I need to get up at around 10:00 a.m. anyway, I don't think that it would be a good idea to sleep now. :'D

I will just drink a lot of coffee, so I will (eventually...?) survive this day ww