Thursday, August 30, 2012

White Knight Chronicles: A few last words

Yush, I finally did it ☆
I finished "White Knight Chronicles".  And actually, the boss fight wasn't that horrible... I think I did a "quite" good job on that? Heeeeh? (Okay, maybe I almost failed because I switch to "transform back" quite too often by accident ...) Anyway, I really got some questions I'd like to ask Level-5 =A=;;;  

For my personal taste, there were too many  "big-size monsters" in the last quarter of the play time. You know, I really LOVE big monsters (especially if they're epic like s**t), but they just carried it to the excess. The worst think about that: especially at the end of the game, the enemies are just repeated. Endlessly. And if they want to top that, they don't give you ONE, but TWO or THREE of the same big size enemy.  I mean, why? What about some more epicness? ;___;? If they just use those big monsters TOO often, it loses the effect, I think...

But to sum it up, I played around 23-24 hours on "White Knight Chronicles" now. I might play it again now, via "Game+", which means I would restart the whole game BUT with my latest level and my inventory. Additionally, I could get stronger weapons from the dungeons' chests, which would fit to my current level (and above). But, to be honest: If that's the only thing you can do on "Game+", I will refuse to do so. (I really enjoyed playing  NIER (Square-Enix) a second time, because you just learn so much more about the story and the background(s). It's not like I played it because of the stronger weapons....)

Well, but after all: Nicely done, Level-5. I would be lying if I'd say I didn't enjoy the game. Even though there are still some - let's call it - "facts" regarding the story which I just can't reproduce... (for those who already have a clue about the game or even played it by themselves, I just want to say some keywords: CAESAR AND KARA?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? )

However, I liked those little twists which tried to confuse the player from time to time, but sometimes they were kinda... predictable. At least for someone who likes 'freaky' stories in general (like me, for example, haha... ✌(◕ω◕)✌).

But as I already mentioned in my first post about "White Knight Chronicles", I really, REALLY liked the characters. Almost all of them. I just think that Leonard is (yush, I'm being hipster now!) "too mainstream", in the same way as Princess Cisna. I mean, come on, sometimes I felt like Mario trying to rescue Princess Peach... (btw., I think Cisna and Peach are look-alikes anyway |D ).

My favorite character, since I got him into my party, was Caesar (and GEEZ how I just knew he would be important so he was a non-stop party member! :'D ). And actually I also liked Kara, even though I knew directly there's this secret about her (I don't wanna spoiler you, so please excuse me that I write so much without saying anything... ^^;; ). Yulie was... well, I never played Yulie, to be honest. She's just the normal "I am so cute and every Japanese RPG needs a character like me!"-girl. Eldore was quite an interesting character, and actually I really would have liked to know more about him. But they tried to explain his whole "story" within around 3-4 minutes, right before you got to prepare for the boss fight, unfortunately...  (I would have preferred a little less "Mario" and a little more "NIER" here ;w; ). So I think that the narrative style failed in this case. They stretched the plot in between like it wouldn't EVER stop, yet they didn't spend enough time explaining more about several characters. Bummer. Again.
Nevertheless: Just give it a try! I don't think it's a bad game (especially if you like KAMEN RIDER or any other trashy stuff like that (;*~∇~)ノ" ).  

As for me, I'll start playing "White Knight Chronicles II" now (or later, however...), especially because I hope to get more information about the story and (maybe even) about the king's lieutenant - I think he's a very important personality for the plot, but at least in WKC's first game he just appeared like a side show :')

I wrote too much again. I'm sorry _ _!
As an excuse, here's a picture of Caesar (*☉౪ ⊙。)


  1. 25 hours huh. That's kinda...not that much (especially if the story wasn't even enough to fill those 25 hours properly). I expected at least something around 30+~
    Well, I figured the 100 hours meant doing EVERYTHING in the game. But over 70h random missions w/o any additional plot? _ _# Then again, it's mostly multiplayer - could be bearable. Oh well.

    Maybe I could borrow this one from you to try it out? Like...the next time we meet up (WHEN WILL THAT BE, I WONDER è_é )? Dunno, the Gundam/Power Ranger/whatever-you-wanna-call-it aspect&multiplayer mode really is tempting me. But all in all I wasn't impressed enough to actually pay for that game - especially since I need to save up money for a new PC. "orz I'd love to give you something in return, of course! But I'm afraid I only have the typical JRPGs you don't like to play. :B

    1. Well, since it's not my game, I'll ask about that! ^^
