Yush! I'm just back home from a great day/evening... and I'm tired as hell, acutally! (。・ε・。)
But nevertheless ... I just wanna share this day with you ☆
But nevertheless ... I just wanna share this day with you ☆
I think it's hard to decide where to start... because my day was quite long and busy, and so I didn't even eat anything until I arrived at home at around 11:30 p.m. (and, yes, I did the worst: Pizza at midnight, yooosh! σ(^_^;) ).
Well, due to some building works in my village there are lots of problems regarding the bus schedule: the bus is often very late, since the driver has to deal with the temporary traffic lights causing a lot of delay sometimes. So I was absolutely lucky that a friend's father brought me and my friend to the station!
When I arrived at Cologne, I met Steffie, who invited me to go with her to the concert! We met some hours earlier, so we could enjoy the nice weather outside, enjoying some drinks at a near café as well. As for me, I drank some Kölsch (for those who aren't familiar with that: Kölsch is a popular beer in and around Cologne's area ☆ It's absolutely delicious! If you've the possibility, please try it! )
Suddenly, Steffie just put out a little present which she brought for me: An electric fan from Final Fantasy XIV which she got from GamesCom before!! (As I mentioned in one of my blog posts before, I wasn't able to visit the GamesCom as a visitor because of my foot .A.! So I'm really happy Steffie thought about me and got 2 of them (・∀・) !! )
When we entered the venue, I met several nice people and had some little chats before the show started. The support band was a band from Italy, called "DNR" (=Dreams not Reality). I knew Seba, their keyboarder / second vocalist before from Ameba, and got to know Kira (bass) through him. Both of them are absolutely nice people! Anyway, Seba couldn't attend because he's in Japan right now, but I said "hello" to them and had a little chat with them as well. Kira, the one I talked to most, introduced me to the other members. They seemed a little bit shy - or just tired! ww
Actually, I liked their performance. But the sound was absolutely awful (ノ◇≦。) When I had my gig at MTC, our sound engineer (Florian) did a VERY good job I think - but this time, there was no Florian to save the situation. My ears hurt a lot when I heard the high-pitched sound, still ringing in my ears _ _! And Kira also told me that they had several problems on the stage, because the monitoring was bad and even failed completely in between. :/ What a shame!
Actually, I liked their performance. But the sound was absolutely awful (ノ◇≦。) When I had my gig at MTC, our sound engineer (Florian) did a VERY good job I think - but this time, there was no Florian to save the situation. My ears hurt a lot when I heard the high-pitched sound, still ringing in my ears _ _! And Kira also told me that they had several problems on the stage, because the monitoring was bad and even failed completely in between. :/ What a shame!
While we were waiting for Inoran to enter the stage, some Japanese friend bought me a beer to "DO KAMPAI!" ([/quote]) with me. Haha, he's just so crazy!! о(ж>▽<)y ☆ We promised each other to go to Karaoke together soon - I'm looking forward to that!
Last but not least, I want to share this special photo with you. As some of you might know, LUNA SEA is my top favorite band since... well... almost 14 years now (!?!?!) Which is quite a time for such a young age, if you ask me (let's call me "young", please...! (ノД`) ). So I think it won't surprise you that I'm SO HAPPY ( (/"&§)("="/=&!!! ) that I was able to meet Inoran in person and even could exchange some words with him (≧▽≦)
And, well... this picture just was made after that. Even though I think I look like a derp, I really like this pic (・・。)ゞ
Dat fanboi-grin in the end.... :B