Sunday, December 9, 2012

First snow! // BB Cleanser Review

Hey what's up, party people? :') Are you already in Christmas mood? As for Germany, we finally got some snow! ☆ Even though I really don't know if we'll have a White Christmas (because we already were missing it several times.... (;_;) ), at least we're able to enjoy some pre-christmas mood anyway, haha! ^^ So I want to share some pictures with you~  What about you? Are you already having snow, too? ^o^

And I really need to mention, that I sinned badly during the last days...! My dad bought 500g (!!!) of marzipan with dark chocolate... and Ben & Jerry's ice cream ;A; I mean: WHY GOD WHY? |D Nevertheless, I enjoyed the ice cream with some strawberries <3 

(Ben&Jerry's Cookie Dough with strawberries~ ☆ )

As I mentioned in my previous post, I bought several things which might be worth (at least) a short review. The item I want to write about this time is the "BB Cleanser" by Skin79. I bought it for approx. 11,50$  (9,70€),  including postal charges.

The cleanser's color is almost milky clear-transparent with a slight touch of pink. If you ask me, the smell is kinda... flowery, mixed with a typical vanishing cream smell. So actually, it really smells like a women's product (which it obviously is... anyway... |'D ). I mean, most products dealing with skincare and make-up are developed for women's skin... _ _! So it's a normal thing to deal with if you're using make-up or skin- and haircare products (yep, regarding shampoo it's just the same...).  

Anyway, it says that it completely relieves the skin from make-up (such as BB-creams, for example) and dead skin cells as well. Additionally, Skin79 promises that this cleanser is very soft and re-hydrating AND feeding the skin with O² (dioxygen). Since I'm having trouble with my skin anyway (because my face is quite large-pored...  ( TДT) ) I thought that I just give this product a try. I mean, it cannot get worse anyway, can it..? |D 

The application is totally easy. As per  information printed on the bottle, you just need to apply the gel all over your face, leaving out the parts around your eyes and mouth (as usual). You won't need any water (!) before, just apply the gel onto your (dry) skin. As soon as you finished this step, you'll feel a weird but funny sparkling/prickling effect on your skin. This is the moment when the cleanser starts its work and reacts - the gel directly starts to create little foam bubbles, using O². I took some pictures for you, so you can follow this process:



After 1-2 minutes, you can just rinse the foam off with some luke warm water. 

I personally was quite surprised my skin really felt clean and fresh after using this cleanser, especially because it was the only washing/cleansing product I used Σ(゚Д゚)!So I'll definitely keep on using this product and update this post later, if I notice any extremely positive or negative side effects! ☆ 

As for now, I can just recommend the BB Cleanser, even though I still feel like I should use some moisturizer after I finished cleansing my face. But maybe that's only because of my personal skin...?  I don't know. I'm not that familiar with such issues... |''D 

Did anyone else have some experience with this product? I'd really appreciate your comments ☆


  1. We have snow here, too (in Mainz) and some pre-Christmas mood. I even allready decorated my little flat with a white tree and some stuff :).

    Unfortunaley, I can't help you with the cleanser, as I actually clean my face with liquid soap only as I react allergically to virtually all cosmetic products I've ever tried.

    1. Ouhh! ☆ That sounds already quite Christmas-like indeed! ;w;
      I didn't decorate anything until now ... and I even think that I'll fail badly in doing so m(__)m
      Maybe girls are quite more gifted regarding decoration skills...? ^^;;

      Oh? :O I see ._.! I always feel like my skin's getting quite dry if I use only soap (it doesn't matter if it's liquid soap, either.. ._.!). So I'm still trying to find a good product for me .w.!
