Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Silent Hill: Revelation (3D) - Review

I'm visiting the cinemas quite often lately - and to be honest, that's rather not typical for me. The latest movie I watched was "Silent Hill: Revelation", about which I want to write in this entry.

[Please be aware that this post might include SPOILERS, of both the game (Silent Hill 3) and the new movie. ]

As for me, I just want to say that I can't understand most of the reviews on IMDb at all. I'm a big fan of the SH-series, and I was totally disappointed.

I expected nothing much, since I didn't like the first Silent Hill movie either. It was okay, but for my taste, they didn't manage to create a true "Silent Hill-feeling". Anyway, "Revelation" maybe was the worst movie I ever saw in my whole life (And unfortunately, I already watched a lot of quite bad movies... -_-'). I, personally, think that 6 or even 7 out of 10 points is totally too much for this movie. I'd give it at max. 3/10. And this is just because I enjoyed the graphics, nothing else. I want to explain you, why.

First of all, I think every single actor was terrible as hell itself. I don't know whether it's the actors' or the director's fault. So maybe it's even the screen-play what was poor. Otherwise, the actors are some of the worst actors on earth. Emotions? Well, I'm afraid I didn't see any. The dialogues were as flat as a ironed piece of paper, too. And I'm still unsure why they just messed up the plot THAT much.

You know, I'm aware of that it's hard to create a movie on base of a video game in general, and especially of a game which is deep and kinda freaked out. But it's possible to do better. They should have decided BEFORE whether they want to adapt the story of Silent Hill 3, or if they just want to create a completely new story. Not both. And, well... unfortunately, they did exactly this.

Let me give you some examples:


I really think that they really destroyed a wonderful character. Vincent (the original one) is a quite deep character, is kinda malicious and hell damn yeah he's absolutely sane about what he's doing all the time. In the movie, he turns out to be a class mate (!?) of Heather. He's as thick as a brick and looks like they tried to make him look like a 'sexy hilly-billy-boy' from the fifties (btw.: he just don't). Oh and hell yeah, he's not who he seems to be at the beginning, but he's a son of the sect. Guys, it's totally obvious. But OF COURSE he decides to help Heather, because... he falls in love with her. No, really. They even kiss. щ(゚д゚щ)

(taken from
I mean, they obviously destroyed this character so much, you can't even recognize him. Anyway I think a love story is totally misplaced here.

Pyramid Head.

Yes, yes, yes. I already knew it from the movie poster, that he will take a role in this movie. So I wasn't surprised about his appearance. Anyway I wonder why they put him into the plot? OH well, I know! Because he was the only one who was cool in this whole movie. Nevertheless, his appearances were totally random and were ONLY for show-off. Without Pyramid Head, the movie would just die because of vacuity. I think that's the only reason why they put him into Heather's life, even if it doesn't make any sense, actually. Even if I'd like to stop complaining about Pyramid Head's apperance (because, as I said, those few moments were the only ones that were 'cool'), I just need to add a fact I still can't and probably never will understand: 

Why does Pyramid Head fight against Claudia in the end?

I mean, come on! I think that's just so far-fetched!? Why would he? Why should he? (And why is he in the movie anyway again??). I think that this scene was just pure black despair on the part of the producers/director/movie makers, just to add a flashy final battle. It's just odd. 

(taken from

The Nurses.

Sure. Same effect as Pyramid Head. It's like the producers thought like "OH, let's bring back those nurses, too. People will know them and freak out, because they love them and they're so popular! It doesn't matter how, at least they're in the movie!". Yes. I'm totally sure that this was their main thought about that. I know that there are indeed nurses in Silent Hill 3, but they are not that senseless in the game as in the movie. In the game, they obviously refer to Alessa's stay in hospital as a child, where she was bothered from everyone around her. In the  movie... I don't have any clue. I'm sorry. 

(taken from

Memory of Alessa.

I don't want to be mean, but: WHAT THE §$=(!"%. Maybe the character "Alessa" is the most important character in the whole Silent Hill series. In "Silent Hill 3", Heather (or more: "Cheryl") needs to fight the Memory of Alessa, which is like - as for me - one of the most important moments in the game. In the movie... not quite. I just don't even get what happened, to be honest. Actually, the Memory of Alessa wants to absorb Heather, so they can 'become one' again. Nevertheless, Heather just 'absorbs' the Memory of Alessa. E voilá. Done. Ooookay...?
(Additionally, she had a terrible make-up. Seriously, I thought this was a high budget movie...? She looked more like a dirty and unwashed 16 years-old gothic child which tried to put her make-up on for the first time ever....)
[[EDIT:: I said I "thought" it was a high-budget. Well, I just looked it up -  and noticed they only spent around 20mio.$ on that production. Maybe there's no further comment needed. It might explain a lot.]] 

It's just kinda sad that this movie doesn't include any "horror" and no scary moments at all (even though I think that the big spider-monster, which transformed its victims into dolls, was quite nice). Additionally, there's this big lack of atmosphere, especially because of just stupid dialogues who makes you rather laugh than scared. Even the first movie had a tighter atmosphere... .__.! 

Well, I still could write hundreds of pages about how I am disappointed and even kinda angry about this movie (and the money I spent to see it.... X_X), but I just want to come to a conclusion.

If I knew before what this movie is like, I would have NEVER paid any money for that.
 (I think I wouldn't have decided to see it even if it was for free, to be honest...)

This movie is just messed up completely (Heather's father won't die either, by the way...?!),  the actors are bad, the storyboard is bad, and even if they would have released this movie as "Movie XY" and not as "Silent Hill", it would be still a quite bad movie, since it doesn't make any sense. 

If you're a fan of some random movie with some epic scenes from Pyramid Head, then you maybe should watch it. But I'd suggest to watch it in around one year or something, when you can view it on free tv.

Anyone else watched this movie? What did/do you think about "Silent Hill: Revelations 3D"? Please share your opinions, I'm curious whether it's just me thinking THAT bad about it ^^;;  


  1. I feel like adding one gazillion of exclamation marks behind every single sentence of your entry.

    Really, this movie....!
    You know my opinion already, so no need to go into detail and all. Well, all in all I agree with about all of what you already said, so even if you didn't know, there would be no need to write it all down AGAIN (except for...rage purposes, d'uh?).

    But...yeah. Don't watch this movie people. Just don't. Go play with grade schoolers. Even that will be more entertaining, seriously.

  2. Thank you for that review! Now I know, which movie I'll not watch for sure. That makes deciding FOR a film much easier :).

    Beside: We tagged you. I hope it is okay and I hope, it's not a problem, that the TAG is in German although you blog in English.
    I hope, you'll have fun answering :)

    1. Haha, are you a fan of the Silent Hill Series as well? *_*

      Oh thank you very much for tagging!! \(^o^)/
      I'll check it out immediately! :)

      (And I'm sorry for my late response, I didn't have that much time lately ;_; ! )
