Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cafe/Bistro CARTOON or: "Forever alone in Bonn"

Geez, maybe today was the most difficult day for me within this whole week. Everyone I know is ill at the moment (and so am I, actually...). The bad thing about that is, that most of those people are on sick leave (/_;) It's not like I can't entertain myself when I'm alone, but it's hard to do so if you're at the cities and if you HAVE TO spend 2 hours alone, waiting =A=;;
Lucky I know that I will at least meet two of those people again tomorrow (my last busy day for this week, obviously! *_* ). 

Nevertheless, I spend my time at "CARTOON", which is a little restaurant/bistro/café at the town centre in Bonn. I just feel like I want to recommend this bistro to you, because I enjoyed my stay even if I was all alone~ [*insert dramatic music here*]

The bistro is kinda styled like a typical "milkabilly"-bar from the 50ies, which I totally like ☆ Too bad they didn't really transfer this "image" to the upper floor as well, where I took a seat (it still looks kinda "american", though. Unfortunaltely I didn't take any pictures of the interior, since I felt strange being a lonely guy taking photos from the interior at this bistro... |D Excuse me! Haha ^^; )

As a drink, I only ordered some water (because usually I just drink water for meals), which really was served totally fast! I think it didn't took 2 minutes. And of course I was asked what I'd like to eat, too - so that's what I ordered!

On the menu, it said "Tropical Salad", which actually sounded quite more ... tropical than it is, to be honest |D  But I read the description before, so there were no bad surprised for me. It said it'd be a mixed salad with chicken, tomatos, button mushrooms and 'fresh fruits'. Even though this combination sounded rather weird for me, I thought that I should give it a try, since Cartoon didn't let me down until now ^^
And I should be right. Usually, I'm not quite fond of mushrooms in general, but I think they did a nice job on that. They were gently roasted, so they weren't either squishy or dry, but I even liked them! ( ゚д゚)!!

Unfortunately, I just found pineapple pieces as "fruits". It's not like I don't like pineapples (to be honest, I love them (^^ゞ ), but.., well. As I said before, I kinda expected... "more" :/

Nevertheless, I want to end this little "review" with a positive statement: Because it really tasted good anyway! 

Most of the other food is rather "american style", as the whole appearance already gives away. But until now, everything I tried tasted delicious, and even the meals I didn't try at least looked delicious |D
So if you are planning to spend a day in Bonn and if you're unsure where to eat something, maybe you should try to visit Cartoon. At least for me I think it was a good choice, since I also could watch some American Football on flatscreen |DD


  1. Take a burger next time! They're delicious there ;D

  2. Thanks for the review! I'll think of that when I'll be in Bonn - and as I like to do city trips, one day I will for sure!


  3. >> Naki
    I already heard that they'd be delicious .w.! But they looked so big, I didn't know whether I'd be able to eat it completely, haha xD

    >> feuerblut
    Thank you so much for your comment! ☆
    Bonn is a very pretty city in general, so I'd really recommend to visit Bonn at least once( ^ω^)!
