Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Flashback: Disney Sea

I really must say that I'm close to shrinking back to a 6-year-old child when I'm re-viewing this pictures (^^ゞAs for me, it was the first time to go to ANY "Disney Land"-park (I didn't even go to Paris yet!)... and to be honest, I think Disneyland (or, "Disney Sea") is one of the prettiest themeparks I've ever seen in my whole life (and I'm not kidding). 
Since I was a child I was totally in love with Arielle, who got a whole area indoor ... but, anyway, I think that I'm already going quite too far :) I should start at the beginning.

So we left quite early to enjoy Disney Sea at it's fullest. You can easily go to Disney Sea from any big station - in our case, we left Shinjuku to go to MAIHAMA (which is actually in Chiba-ken, not Tokyo). 

Entering Maihama, you'll have to walk a lot through the subways to get to the "Disney Line". Anyway, it was even a very nice experience to see all those people also walking their way to Disney Land - and children AND grown-ups (most of them were couples (ノ´∀`*))dressing in Disney, like they're going to enter a 'whole new world'. 

Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos while we were INSIDE of the Disney-Train, because I was recording with my camera; maybe I'll upload some of those recs anyway, gotta see.

Aaaaanyway, as soon as you arrive at the park, you'll know why I said "Buy some tickets at the DisneyStore in ADVANCE". We waited for around 2 hours (okay, it's not much, if you compare it with European waiting times |D ). But as soon as we got into, I promise, your mood will switch IMMEDIATELY. The atmosphere is so dreamy and it's indeed like you're entering some kind of dreamland.

Since I don't want to "SPAM" this entry with pictures, I want to offer you the possibility to watch my photos made in Disney Sea in a gallery ☆ (You'll find photos from Aladdin, Arielle, Stitch, Mediterran Harbor, 20.000 Leagues Under the Sea and more ^_^ It's still not all pictures, but I already took so long editing and uploading those, so I stopped there...^^;;  ). 

Disney Sea 2012年03月


  1. 2 hours? we waited like... 10 minutes? :o did you watch the arielle theatre? oh god it was sooooooo awesome ;__; she was singing the original songs in english and the rest was japanese and i understood almost everything but they had an alternate ending which was so ridiculous xD (i'm sure i filmed the first song but can't find it atm ;O;)

    oh and chocolate cake = most delicous cake ever! ´///`

  2. ich weiß wie du dich gefühlt hast. ich war 2008 das 1. mal in tokyo im disney land und hab bei der parade rotz und wasser geheult :) kannst den andre fragn *lach*

  3. >>Caro

    I think it was 2 hours - maybe 1 1/2.
    But well, I think you didn't go there when most of children were on vacation...? |DD
    And: Yep!! Of course I went!! (*´∀`*)
    I loved how they restaged it, actually .w. (even though you're right... the end was... well..."weird" xD).


    Oh jaaa, da sagst du was ;__;! Ich glaube, für Disney ist man nie zu alt (ノ´∀`*) 

  4. Even though you've showed me a lot of those pictures already, I can't help but feel aaaaall the feels once again. ARIEL!!!! <3 I'm so jelly of you right now, seriously buhhhhhh. /sobs Gosh, I wanna go there soooo badly! T_T doesn't have to be Tokyo, I don't care really, as long as it's Disney-related. I'm sure I'd be going "kyaaaa kyaaa" all the time (say hello to 10yr old Sofi, heh), but...I mean...YOU UNDERSTAND, RIGHT. I MEAN, IT'S DISNEY AFTER ALL. By the by. Somehow I'm totally fixiated on the baloon-photo. I want them. I want them all. Especially the Stitch one, lol. So cute .///. Oh and the cake. I want that one as well...and and and.
    I COULD GO ON AND ON FOR HOURS. I'd better stop now, right? Right? /sighs

    Okay, enough ranting. I'm a nice person after all. So, of course I'm also happy for you because you got to make this wonderful experience and I sincerely hope you'll be able to go again in the future. :3 Maybe they'll have Ariel postcards next time. You know what to do: I want them. ALL. xD

    1. OH AND HOLY SHIT WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CAPTCHA STUFF?! Is it finally gone? It was tormenting me all the time so I hope I won't have to deal w/ it again. Like, EVER! xD
