Sunday, October 21, 2012

Flashback: Japan 2012 - Introducing Post

Since I was asked to write about my latest stay Japan, I want to share some photos with you - places, gets, impressions... just some things I think might be interesting for you (*´∀`*)

I will update this from time to time unter the tag "FLASHBACK", because I think that it's quite too much for just one posting... so please check my upcoming posts now and then to see further photos and explanations (●^_^●)

We left Frankfurt to Tokyo by Aeroflot (Russian Airlines) and had a stop at Sheremetyevo in Moscow. My suitcase was kind of empty when I left, because I already planned to buy some clothes in Tokyo (^^ゞ 
(As for me, it is quite hard to buy clothes in Germany, because people here are lots of bigger than me on average... so most of times I don't find nice clothes in my size. That's why I prefer buying clothes in mediterran countries or even in Asia).

I might sound weird now, but I really enjoyed the stay at Frankfurt's Airport. I think this airport is quite pretty and has a nice atmosphere. I anyway think that airports have some charme, actually. Unfortunately, Sheremetjevo's International Airport was... different. It looked quite nice, but I had a strange feeling when we stopped there .__.!  To keep it short, the flight with Aeroflot itself was comfortable and we had some really nice entertainment computers to watch movies, series or even play some games (unfortunately, the food was... let's say "weird" D: So I usually just ate some salad and the dessert |D ).

(This used to be orange juice...)

I will stop writing here for now, since I think that the flight itself wasn't that interesting... (^^ゞ Next post will be more interesting, I promise ☆ I will try to summarize about the several areas we visited, so you'll be able to get a rough overview.

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