Friday, August 10, 2012

Pimped my iPhone (unfinished)

As you might know, I once used my Tony Tony Chopper back case for my mobile phone. The cover, unfortunately, lost a lot of color due to the loads of rubbing over and over again, since I usually transported it in a bag or my trouser's pocket...

Now, I bought a leather case, which actually was very cheap (around 6€ with free shipping from ebay). The first thing I noticed about using this leather case is, that I don't have to clean the touch screen that often anymore. I think that's a good thing (even though the iPhone seems to be a little more clumsy...).Anyway, I'm really happy with that.

Additionally, I finally got the possibility to use a cell phone charm on my iPhone (to be honest, I really thought it was a pity to be unable to use charms. What did Apple think when they designed the iPhone?!). Haha, I kinda sound like a weirdo saying this, don't I...?

Anyway, I just "pierced" the case, right below the inner case to which you can just "clip" your phone.
Actually I want to use some more charms, something with feathers and silver should be great, but unfortunately I kinda ran out of money because of the fees I had to pay for my academic studies... (eheh... Should save some more money next time... |'D).

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